Aussie English

Hey, How ya goin’?

For those who read the title and the question above and couldn’t understand what it is exactly about, DO NOT GIVE UP because I am afraid you are in the right place. Aussie is a term used to talk about Australian English, also known as Strine, and just due to the fact there are some slang referring to the English spoken in Australia it is possible to infer this English has a little tendency to informality. And if you had this thought I can assure you are right!

As registered in a government’s Australian website “Slang can be seen as a demonstration of how experience shapes language and also how language shapes identity”. So, the Aussie English or Strine are not only different names to the “Australian English” but also a way of identification related to their people’s history and culture.

If you get to Australia and hear someone greeting you with “Welcome to Straya“, DO NOT GO BACK! Take a breath, look around and enjoy it, because you definitely are in Australia. At the same way if you see someone calling you to play footy or tenno, don’t worry about learning how to play those, because you probably have an idea about football and tennis rules. Do not refuse invitations to go to the Maccas, or have a barbie even if it is still mornos, because when you understand what they mean you will be glad to had been accepted.

So before going to Australia don’t forget your Strine Glossary.

Hooroo !

If you wanna listen to Aussie English or learn more about it, take a look at these videos:



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